Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Marvel's Inhumans 1x07 Promo "Havoc in the Hidden Land" (HD)
Marvel's Inhumans 1x07 "Havoc in the Hidden Land" Season 1 Episode 7 Promo - With only two episodes left this season, The Royal Family returns to Attilan and comes face-to-face with Maximus. Can a truce be reached or is all-out war inevitable? An all-new episode of “Marvel’s Inhumans” airs Friday, November 3rd on ABC.
Zombie Spring Breakers - Poster and Trailer
Marcia Do Vales, who, as Maria, kick-asses her way through Brit zomcom Ibiza Undead, will represent the film at its LA premiere on Thurs 2 Nov, which is hosted by US Film Studio & Distributor, The Asylum.
Now called ZOMBIE SPRING BREAKERS, Brazilian-born Marcia do Vales, who is about to shoot the leading role in supernatural thriller QUAIL HOLLOW, says: “I loved being part of this film, so am really pleased to have the opportunity to attend the US premier. With So few independent British films getting a theatrical release in the US it's a real testament to the hard work that we put in to make this film something truly fun for the zombie fans everywhere!"
When it comes to movie stunts, actions speak louder than words. Sure, we love a nice bit of dialogue but it’s the big explosions and mega effects that really light up the screen. When done well, they have the power to catapult you into the centre of the action and leave you pondering a career change - or at least a car change - as the titles roll. And since no one sets up the action better than Michael Bay, we thought we’d celebrate the DVD and Blu-ray release of Transformers: Last Knight by having a think about the top movies stunts EVER…
Transformers franchise
It takes more than just a green screen to shoot incredible effects… Director Michael Bay is famous for pushing his cast to the limit when it comes to stunts - and it shows with the Transformers franchise. Though consistent with its eye-popping actions, The Last Knight is a visual master-piece.
Mission Impossible franchise
Tom Cruise debuted as Ethan Hunt in the first Mission: Impossible movie 21 years ago (we can’t believe it either) and he quickly cemented his reputation as the industry’s biggest daredevil. He even scaled the tallest building on the planet in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol.
James Bond franchise
The death-defying stunts seen in James Bond tend to leave the audience more shaken than stirred… How is he still alive? Remember Daniel Craig`s death-defying crane jump in Casino Royale? The actor didn’t even use a body double. Let’s hope he at least got given a real martini afterwards.
Blues Brothers
Proving that cool stunts aren’t just a young person’s game, this 1980s movie used more than 40 stunt drivers and 60 old police cars, while the shopping mall car chase was filmed in an actual shopping mall. Production even got permission to drive down streets at speeds of over 100 miles per hour. In your face, CGI!
Fast and Furious franchise
If it were real life, the destruction in the Fast and Furious movies would cost more than $500m. It’s not surprising really - over the last two decades, the films have given us more high-speed stunts than you can shake a clutch stick at. Car driving onto yacht? You got it. Car driving over moving train? Of course! You get the idea. Incredible stuff.
Transformers: The Last Knight is out now on Digital DVD, Blu-ray™ and 4K Ultra HD™
Ghost Stories - Poster and 3 Teaser Clips
Based on Andy Nyman and Jeremy Dyson’s original Olivier nominated stage production, the same team have co-written and directed this adaptation for the big screen.
Starring Martin Freeman, Alex Lawther, Andy Nyman, Paul Whitehouse, and Kobna Holdbrook-Smith
Andy Nyman also leads the cast, reprising his role as Professor Goodman alongside Paul Whitehouse (Alice in Wonderland, ‘Harry & Paul’, ‘The Fast Show’), Alex Lawther (‘Black Mirror’, Old Boys, The Imitation Game) and Martin Freeman (The Hobbit franchise, ‘Fargo’, ‘Sherlock’).
Phillip Goodman, professor of psychology, arch-skeptic, the one-man ‘belief buster’ – has his rationality tested to the hilt when he receives a letter apparently from beyond the grave. His mentor Charles Cameron, the ‘original’ TV parapsychologist went missing fifteen years before, presumed dead and yet now he writes to Goodman saying that the pair must meet. Cameron, it seems, is still very much alive. And he needs Goodman to find a rational explanation for three stories that have shaken Cameron to his core. As Goodman investigates, he meets three haunted people, each with a tale more frightening, uncanny and inexplicable than the last.
GHOST STORIES in cinemas on Friday 13th April 2018.
Monday, 30 October 2017
The People's Court - Judge Milian Flips out on Law Student
This bum of a law student gets destroyed by Judge Milian when he disrespects her and she gives him a piece of her mind and teaches him a really good lesson he'll never forget. At the end, you can tell whose side the audience was on.
The Exorcist 2x05 Promo "There but for the Grace of God, Go I" (HD)
The Exorcist 2x05 "There but for the Grace of God, Go I" Season 2 Episode 5 Promo - As Tomas and Marcus continue to investigate the strange incidents at the foster home, the demon finally makes its presence known. The two priests must race against the clock to find evidence of possession before it is too late. Meanwhile, Andy and Rose take the children on an overnight camping trip, setting them on a collision course with the supernatural presence on the island. Back in Rome, Father Bennett's uneasy partnership with Mouse takes a turn as disturbing new information about the conspiracy comes to light in the all-new “There but for the Grace of God, Go I” episode of THE EXORCIST airing Friday, November 3rd on FOX.
The Gatehouse - Trailer and Poster
An ancient curse is unlocked in The Gatehouse, on VOD 12/5 from Uncork’d Entertainment.
From award-winning director Martin Gooch comes a bold and arresting gothic horror feature that’ll stir the senses and spike the neck hairs.
Jack is a struggling writer recovering from the death of his wife. His daughter, 10-Year-Old Eternity, loves digging for treasure in the forest behind her house. In a coincidental turn of fate, Jack agrees to undertake a writing project about the ‘legend of the black flowers’ at the same time that Eternity discovers a mysterious object in the woods, and the forest wants it back. They’ve unlocked an ancient curse and must now fight for survival.
Scarlett Rayner, Simeon Willis, Linal Haft, Paul Freeman, Hannah Waddingham, Alix Wilton Regan, and Melissa Knatchbull star in a Martin Gooch film, available 12/5 on Digital from Uncork’d Entertainment.
The Gatehouse official trailer 1 from martin gooch on Vimeo.
Sunday, 29 October 2017
School of Rock Hawaii 5-0 Drum Fill
Me and a few friends gather all the drums in our school, retuned them, and produced this little clip. We got the original idea from the movie "School of Rock" and thought it was only appropriate we ended with the actual theme song.
Overwatch PS4 Gameplay | PlayStation Underground
Let's play Overwatch on PS4... with T-Pain. That's right, we have the world-famous singer, songwriter, and rapper join our program to talk about his love of old-school Blizzard games, and bonding with his daughter over Overwatch.
Reality of Wrestling TV: Episode 179, 180, 181, 182
(Reality of Wrestling) is a wrestling promotion owned by Booker T that runs out of Houston, Texas showcasing the top unsigned talent from around the world in a weekly episodic series.
The Good Doctor 1x06 Promo "Not Fake" (HD)
The Good Doctor 1x06 "Not Fake" Season 1 Episode 6 Promo - Dr. Shaun Murphy and Dr. Claire Browne devise an experimental procedure that can save the leg and life of a young groom, that is if his bride-to-be and parents can learn to work together. Meanwhile, Jared struggles to emotionally connect with his patient whose scars may prove too deep to overcome. “The Good Doctor” airs Monday, October 30th on ABC.
Get familiar with Primez in his new video 'HBK'
Birmingham based artist Primez unveils the visuals for his first official single HBK. With a visual from Marq and a music production from Josh Petruccio, Primez presents his talent through the cold raving song! From attuned vocals to sampled vocals and even to hard hitting punchlines, we see that Primez really is hear to break those hearts!
Kepler's Dream - Trailer and Poster
This Winter, what we treasure brings us together in Kepler’s Dream!
Sean Patrick Flanery (The Boondock Saints, Powder), Kelly Lynch (“Mr.Mercedes”, Charlie’s Angels), and Holland Taylor (The Truman Show, “Two and-a-Half Men”) star in director Amy Glazer’s highly anticipated feature adaptation of the hit YA novel by Juliet Bell, in theaters and InDemand December 1st from Leomark Studios.
Eleven-year-old Ella (Isabella Blake-Thomas) is a city girl forced to spend the summer on the New Mexico ranch of her reclusive grandmother, Violet Von Stern (Holland Taylor), while Ella’s mom (Kelly Lynch) undergoes chemotherapy in another state. As she tries to cope with her grandmother’s strict rules and snooty friends, Ella longs for her mother and begs her estranged father for rescue. But Ella’s dad (Sean Patrick Flanery) has his own reasons to stay away from his childhood home. Meanwhile, Ella finds allies in fatherly ranch hand Miguel (Steven Michael Quezada) and his down-to-earth daughter, Rosie (Esperanza Fermin). But when a priceless book is stolen from Violet’s collection, Miguel is the key suspect, and Ella must find the real thief in order to save her friends. Emotional connections are reshaped, and a family that was lost finds its way. The music of Patrick Neil Doyle helps tell this unusual and heartwarming story.
Steven Michael Quezada (‘’Breaking Bad’’), Kelly Hu (X-Men 2), and Isabella Blake-Thomas (Once Upon a Time, Rise of the Guardians) co-star.
Kepler’s Dream in theaters across America and available on InDemand from December 1.
Saturday, 28 October 2017
Intense response to laser strike on a police helicopter
A fascinating display of militarization and tactical capacity by a suburban Canadian police force in response to teenagers pointing a laser at a police helicopter. They wouldn't have expected this to happen!
The night-vision footage was shot on Aug. 16, 2015, by York Regional Police’s Air Support helicopter Air2 in Vaughan, Ontario, just north of Toronto.
Marvel's The Punisher (Netflix) Trailer #2 HD
Marvel's The Punisher launches November 17th only on Netflix. Known throughout New York City as The Punisher, Frank Castle must discover the truth about injustices that affect more than his family alone.
Friday, 27 October 2017
Interview with Damien Leone - Director of Terrifier
Ahead of the UK premiere of his latest film TERRIFIER at the Horror Channel Frightfest Halloween event on Sat 23 Oct, director Damien Leone talks about the ’Art’ of extreme clowning, his debt to Tom Savini and a terrifying Halloween experience…
Q: Art The Clown initially appeared in your 2008 short THE 9th CIRCLE, then the 2011 award-winning short TERRIFIER and in your first feature ALL HALLOW’S EVE. What made you decide to give him a fourth outing?
DAMIEN: Up until this point I never felt like I fully showcased Art's potential. I believe between the short films and All Hallows' Eve, there only exists about 20 minutes of Art the Clown screen time. For a character who's done so little, he seems to really resonate with horror fans. After all of the positive feedback, a full length film that focused solely on Art was inevitable.
Q: Art has a very twisted personality – he’s both brutal (his silence adding to his deadliness) and comical but not without some subtle pathos. How difficult was it to strike that balance?
DAMIEN: In all honesty, I never intended to evoke any sort of pathos from his character. I do find that interesting and maybe there is something to that but the brutality and twisted personality was always intentional from the get-go as was the subtle comedy. Although I'm a huge fan of some horror comedies like Return of The Living Dead or Evil Dead 2, it's not a style I strive for in my own films. I always shoot for a more serious tone but ironically, the comedy in Terrifier was very organic and almost wrote itself. I should be clear and say the intentional comedy in Terrifier only comes from the Art the Clown character himself. He's always had a sick sense of humour from the very beginning but this time I tried to take it a little further whereas after every unspeakable act of violence he commits, he follows it with something comical like a facial expression or a quirky gesture. This does two things, it gives the audience a chance to relieve some tension but it also makes Art more demented when we realize just how much fun he's having at his victim's expense.
Q: You’ve said that you set out to make Art as violent as possible. Why?
DAMIEN. This basically comes from the fact that I'm a special effects artist. I knew the effects would be one of our strong suits going into the film since I can do a lot on a very limited budget. There is so much content out there right now and I believe that if you want to stand out, it doesn't hurt to show things that will really grab the audience's attention and get them talking. It's 2017; there's been thousands of horror movies. I mean how many times can you show a knife cutting through the air followed by a shot of blood hitting the wall? Almost everything has been done to death (pun intended) so I feel I have a duty to the audience to present them with stuff that hasn't quite been seen before or if it has, to do it in a way that feels fresh.
Q: David Howard Thornton is terrific as Art. How did you two meet and bond? And how challenging was it, given Art had previously been played by Mike Giannelli.
DAMIEN. Finding a new actor to play Art was by far the most crucial and nerve-wracking aspect of this film. Everything people loved about Art was a testament to how Mike Giannelli portrayed him and now I had to start from scratch. Very frightening indeed. But as luck would have it, David came in for an audition one day and my producer and I immediately knew this was our guy. David pantomimed the act of stabbing someone to death and sawing their head off with great exuberance and glee. He's also extremely animated, tall and thin. I always envisioned Art to be of a more slender build and I was excited to see what little quirks and nuances David could bring to the character. Working with David was a total delight from start to finish. We bonded immediately thanks to the countless hours in the makeup chair. Dave will joke and tell stories as I transform him into Art over the course of approximately three hours. We had to repeat this process well over 20 times during the shoot.
Q: The film has a very dark 70s/80s tone and the narrative is stripped down to the bone. What influences were at play here?
DAMIEN. The main objective was to keep it as close to the 20 minute short film as possible. The short film was a no holds barred, relentless, 70s-style grind house flick that was made to feel like an intense rollercoaster ride. That's actually how I came up with the title Terrifier. To me "Terrifier" was more a reflection of the film as an experience and didn't necessarily have anything specific to do with the characters or story. People responded so positively to the short film that I figured the best plan of attack would be to just make an 80 minute version of the 20 minute short. Essentially this would mean taking the best parts of a slasher film and eliminating as much of the filler as possible.
Q: With all the attention given to IT and Pennywise, does this tempt you even further to establish Art as a franchise and make more TERRIFIER films?
DAMIEN: Absolutely. Although we finally gave Art his own movie, we've only just scratched the surface. Now we have to dig a little deeper into his backstory. He has a ton of potential and I can see needing at least a couple of films to tell his full story. It's too premature to say but numerous people have said he has the making of a horror icon. If this continues to be the case once Terrifier is released, it would be downright disrespectful to the character and to the fans to not produce more; just as long as we maintain some integrity and never jump the shark.
Q: All your films are set on Halloween night. Are you a fan of Halloween? Do you have a favourite Halloween / clown story?
DAMIEN. I am a huge fan of Halloween but the main reason I set Art the Clown's films on Halloween is so it's acceptable for a man to be walking the streets while dressed as a clown. This at least enables his victims to lower their guard around him when they first cross his path. If it was a hot August night and a mute clown sat across from you in a pizzeria, I think the cops would be called immediately. I do in fact have a personal Halloween story that stands out and I'll try to make it quick. One night a few friends and I were driving home from a Halloween party and we passed a car on the side of the road that was turned completely on its side against the guard rail. We immediately pulled over and approached the vehicle. Two young women were inside the car. Apparently, the driver was drunk and fell asleep at the wheel. Thankfully, by some miracle, both girls were perfectly fine aside from being dazed and frightened but what makes this story worth telling is seeing my friend who's 6'4 leap on top of the turned over car in full Spider-Man attire and pull the young women to safety. Surreal moment indeed.
Q: Who do you most admire in the horror genre?
DAMIEN. This is a very difficult question because I can throw around countless names and ramble on and on for hours but I must say I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for the makeup effects maestro Tom Savini. When I was around 6 or 7 years old I stumbled upon a VHS tape called Scream Greats that changed my life. It was a documentary on Savini and it was the first time I saw how monsters were created. This video and also the making of Michael Jackson's Thriller with Rick Baker really left an impression on me. I was fascinated by seeing people transformed into creatures.
For years I would rent these films over and over but when I was around 12 years old, I finally owned a copy of Scream Greats. This time I actually began experimenting. My mother took me to a horror convention where I actually bought my first makeup kit, a 12oz bottle of mint flavoured blood and a real machete (dulled) with a semi-circle cut out of the blade. This is a classic Savini gag that he's used in several movies. It creates the illusion that the machete is actually buried in your flesh when you place it against the skin or on top of your skull. As soon as I got home, I tried out all of my new goodies on my friends and myself. Savini introduced me to blood tubes, mortician's wax, things that were more accessible to someone starting out. Soon I started filming the effects with a camcorder and eventually I began making my own little short films; which is how I became interested in the grander aspect of filmmaking. But even though as a filmmaker I'm influenced by countless artists from all genres, I really have to thank Savini for being the first person to show me the magic of filmmaking.
Q: Zombies or vampires?
DAMIEN. Very tough question. Zombies frighten me more than vampires. My favourite horror film of all time is Romero's Dawn of the Dead and my dream project is an epic zombie film but The Lost Boys holds such a special place in my heart. I saw it in the theatres when I was literally 3 years old and it had such a profound effect on me. It's one of my absolute favourites till this day and because of it, I love vampires so much. So to answer your question, I can't choose.
Q: Finally, what’s next?
DAMIEN: There are a few awesome projects that I'd love to tackle but I think it would be foolish to sleep on the inevitable Terrifier sequel. Clowns are so hot right now because of IT and more and more people are starting to dig Art the Clown on a daily basis so I think we should strike while the iron's hot before the killer clown sub-genre goes into hibernation for another 20 years.
TERRIFIER receives its UK premiere at Horror Channel FrightFest Halloween 2017 on Saturday 28 Oct, Empire Haymarket, 11.00pm.
Tickets: http://frightfest.nutickets.com
The Best Voice Actors in Pop Culture
Imagine if millions of people knew your voice but hardly anyone recognised your face… What a strange and brilliant career it must be working as a voice actor. No wonder Hollywood’s biggest names want to jump on the voice bandwagon - it must be pretty great trading hours in hair and makeup for slouchy pants and slippers. However, a certain elite have made an art out of the voice industry, using their vocal coLabels
rds to create some of the most beloved characters from the screen. So, to celebrate the release of Batman vs. Two-Face, let’s raise a glass to these unseen heroes…
Adam West
Born in 1928, the late Adam West worked alongside some of Hollywood’s biggest names such as Paul Newman before becoming widely known for his lead role in the 1960s version of Batman, a part he reprised in the just released Batman vs. Two-Face movie. His distinct voice can be heard in countless animations ranging from The Simpsons, Futurama, Rugrats and Johnny Bravo - and he even played a fictionalised version of himself in Family Guy.
Frank Welker
Chances are you’ve heard Frank Welker’s distinctive tones before… The actor even received an Emmy Award in honour of his voice work last year. He’s probably best known for his role as Fred Jones from the Scooby-Doo franchise, which he’s voiced since 1969 to present, but he’s also portrayed Megatron in the Transformers franchise, as well as Nibbler in Futurama, Garfield, Dr Claw in Inspector Gadget and Kermit in Muppet Babies.
John Dimaggio
Known for his gruff voice, John Dimaggio’s CV reads like a kid’s dream playlist… You may have heard him portraying Bender in Futurama, Jake the Dog in Adventure Time, Rico in The Penguins of Madagascar, or multitasking various roles in Johnny Bravo, The Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack amongst other shows. Imagine how much fun he has going to work each day!
Mel Blanc
Born in 1908, the late Mel Blanc is one of the industry greats, having voiced… deep breath… Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Tweety Bird, Sylvester the Cat, Pepé Le Pew, Speedy Gonzales, Road Runner, the Tasmanian Devil, Woody Woodpecker, Barney Rubble in The Flintstones and Mr. Spacely in The Jetsons. Basically put, it would be hard to find a cult animation that he DOESN’T feature in.
Batman vs. Two-Face: Available now on Digital Download, and Blu-ray™ and DVD October 30
This Halloween Propel Yourself into Dying Light’s Super-Crane Event
Wroclaw, Poland / Techland today unveiled details of its The Outstanding Super-Crane event – the latest community challenge, starting October 26th, 12pm PDT (8pm BST) and ending on November 1st at 11:30pm PDT (7:30am BST).
The Super-Crane event, which is happening in tandem with the launch of Content Drop #1, encourages players to unleash their spider-like skills. For this limited period only, the grappling hook will allow players to swing between buildings without the handicap of a cooldown period, increase the grappling range, and pull enemies in for easier finishers.
During Halloween, the community has been given the challenge of attaining a global kill target of 10,000,000 enemies – with fall damage – to win a Bounty Skin Pack, with the added individual player incentive of catching 5,000 enemies using the grappling hook for a Gold Tier weapon!
For gamers wanting to get involved with the carnage for the first time, there are Steam and Gemly sales of up to 60% off. There will also be sales for the console version of the game. Additionally, the players can unlock a free new set of items at Gemly.com -- the Halloween-themed The Nightmare Pack contains an exclusive shotgun skin - Rusty Spine, a new poison weapon - the Candycutter sickle, and a third item that will be unveiled this Monday.
Players are encouraged to share their best Super-Crane actions & moves on the Dying Light and Gemly social media channels. A special community video will be made from the best ones.
Menashe - Trailer and Poster
Performed entirely in Yiddish, a language not used in cinema for many decades, MENASHE follows a kind, hapless grocery store clerk as he struggles to make ends meet and responsibly parent his young son, Rieven. In the wake of his wife’s death, tradition prohibits Menashe from raising his son alone, so Rieven’s strict uncle adopts him, leaving Menashe heartbroken.
Meanwhile, though Menashe seems to bungle every challenge in his path, his rabbi grants him one special week with Rieven before his wife’s memorial and a chance to prove himself a suitable man of faith and fatherhood.
UK & Ireland Release date: 8th December 2017
Certificate U / Running time 82 minutes
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Justice League - Brand New Thunder Trailer
Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes—Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash—it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.
JUSTICE LEAGUE is released November 17, 2017.
Surf World Series Rides the Wash to Retail November 10th
Watford, United Kingdom, October 26th, 2017: Wired Productions, an independent videogames publisher and developer, and Vision Games Publishing are pleased to confirm that the lull is nearly over. Surf World Series is arriving globally at physical retail with an SRP of £15.99/€19.99/$19.99, November 10th.
Set across some of the world’s most iconic shorelines, Surf World Series dares players to compete in a series of breathtaking arcade surfing challenges in a bid to dominate the leaderboard. Developed by Climax Studios in partnership with Vision Games Publishing and Standfast Interactive, Surf World Series challenges players to carve up the surf:
Ride monster waves at 5 of the world’s most iconic shorelines, from the infamous Bell’s Beach, Australia, to the extreme waves at Waimea Bay, Hawaii
Become a master, learning increasingly difficult tricks along the way, from nailing kickflips and cutbacks to landing massive aerials and navigating treacherous tubes
Trick your way through 44 single player challenges, or carve up the competition online against 15 other players across 3 different online game modes
Perform surfing’s most intense tricks, including the Superman, Sushi Roll and many more!
Enjoy afternoon, evening, night, and bad weather variations with different waves and visual aesthetics.
Design your own signature surfer with 6 playable characters plus rank up to unlock thousands of customizations to define your own unique style.
For more information visit Surf World Series website, follow the game on Twitter or like it on Facebook.
Surf World Series, is available to buy now digitally, and will release at retail November 10th.
Gotham Season 4 "The Story Of Solomon Grundy" Promo (HD)
Gordon and Bullock are hot on a serial killer who has been assassinating cops and dressing his victims in the severed heads of pigs as his signature mark. Meanwhile, Sofia tries to win over Penguin, and Thompkins, Nygma and Grundy find themselves an unlikely home at Cherry's place in the all-new “A Dark Knight: Hog Day Afternoon” episode of GOTHAM airing Thursday, October 26th on FOX.
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Longest Truck in The World. Road Train in Australia.
Australia - a country road trains. In the Australian outback, where for hundreds of kilometers around you to meet a couple of other cattle-farms, or "stations", as they call them, train - a vital necessity. After all, in order to deliver the goods to the destination of the train, the owner, such as a sheep station would have to get their living from the load to the nearest railway hundreds of kilometers.
Road trains - powerful trucks, which stretches for two, three (and sometimes more) of huge trailer, capable in a matter of days to cross the Green Continent, connecting the country's states and territories.
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood Marked for 10th November Release on PlayStation® 4
Watford, United Kingdom, October 25th, 2017: Wired Productions, an independent videogames publisher and developer, and Danish development studio Flashbulb Games, are delighted to announce that their spellbinding puzzle-platformer, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood leaps onto PlayStation® 4 from the 8th and 9th digitally, and on November 10th in physical format.
Max, accompanied by his trusty magic marker will arrive in both digital and physical formats and is available to pre-order now from select online retailers with an SRP of £15.99/€19.99/$19.99.
Watch the brand-new Gameplay trailer here:
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood is a cinematic fairy-tale adventure perfect for the whole family to enjoy. Where Scandinavian storytelling meets colourful 2.5D platformer, Max offers perspective players classic jump and run gameplay, smart and innovative puzzles and a fun and unique gameplay mechanic to boot.
Adventurers must unleash the power of the Magic Marker as they:
Embark on this classic tale of brotherhood to rescue Max’s kid brother Felix from the grasps of the evil lord Mustacho
Explore a world filled to the brim with challenging physics puzzles and frantic platforming
Climb, fight and draw their way through deserts, lantern-lit bogs, ancient temples and lush-green-forests
Raise great pillars of dirt from the ground to reach new heights, grow trees to make bridges and create swinging vines to cross gaping chasms
Originally released for the Xbox One and Windows PC, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood received high praise, with fans and critics calling the game “a charming experience from beginning to end”. Rated 12 by PEGI Max: The Curse of Brotherhood is set to be released digitally and through global retail November 10th.
Amazon Links (Open in a new window)
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (PS4)
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (Xbox One)
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (Xbox 360)
Prepare yourself for the comeback of the classic dynamic duo, Batman and Robin in the new DC universe animated feature, Batman vs. Two-Face, out now on Digital Download and available on Blu-ray™ and DVD October 30! To celebrate the release we are giving YOU the chance to win a copy of the adventure on DVD!
As the sequel to the 2016 hit animated film Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders, the all-new Batman vs. Two-Face finds Batman and Robin back in classic 1960s action, protecting Gotham City from some of the most nefarious villains in comics history. But when the mutilated master of multiplicity, Two-Face, begins staging a daring crime wave across Gotham, the Caped Crusaders must work double-time to discover his mysterious secret identity before they can halt his evil-doing – all the while combating the likes of Catwoman, Joker, Riddler, Penguin, Bookworm, Hugo Strange and King Tut!
Watch the incredible trailer here:
To be in with a chance of winning a copy of Batman vs. Two-Face on DVD simply submit your answer to the question below:
What is the name of the CEO of Wayne Enterprises and secret identity of the crime-fighting Super Hero, Batman?
- Bruce Wayne
- Dick Grayson
- Selina Kyle
Send you answer along with your name and address to competition@jonn.co.uk
Batman vs. Two-Face - See It Now on Digital Download and on Blu-ray™ and DVD October 30
For further information on Batman vs. Two-Face join us here
https://www.facebook.com/warnerbrosuk/, follow @WarnerBrosUK or visit here
https://www.facebook.com/warnerbrosuk/, follow @WarnerBrosUK or visit here
© 2017 DC Comics. © 2017 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.
Terms and conditions
1. Closing date 06-11-17
2. No alternative prize is available
3. When the competition ends as indicated on this page, any and all entries received after this point will not count and emails blacklisted due to not checking this page first.
4. Winners will be chosen randomly and will be informed via email.
Terms and conditions
1. Closing date 06-11-17
2. No alternative prize is available
3. When the competition ends as indicated on this page, any and all entries received after this point will not count and emails blacklisted due to not checking this page first.
4. Winners will be chosen randomly and will be informed via email.
Prepare yourself for the comeback of the classic dynamic duo, Batman and Robin in the new DC universe animated feature, Batman vs. Two-Face, out now on Digital Download and available on Blu-ray™ and DVD October 30! To celebrate the release we are giving YOU the chance to win a copy of the adventure on Blu-ray™!
As the sequel to the 2016 hit animated film Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders, the all-new Batman vs. Two-Face finds Batman and Robin back in classic 1960s action, protecting Gotham City from some of the most nefarious villains in comics history. But when the mutilated master of multiplicity, Two-Face, begins staging a daring crime wave across Gotham, the Caped Crusaders must work double-time to discover his mysterious secret identity before they can halt his evil-doing – all the while combating the likes of Catwoman, Joker, Riddler, Penguin, Bookworm, Hugo Strange and King Tut!
Buy from Amazon UK by clicking here
Buy from Amazon UK by clicking here
Watch the incredible trailer here:
To be in with a chance of winning a copy of Batman vs. Two-Face on Blu-ray™ simply submit your answer to the question below:
What is the name of the CEO of Wayne Enterprises and secret identity of the crime-fighting Super Hero, Batman?
- Bruce Wayne
- Dick Grayson
- Selina Kyle
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Terms and conditions
1. Closing date 06-11-17
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Blood Harvest - Poster and Trailer
Writer-director George Clarke’s latest sweat-inducing scarefest comes to U.S shores this November.
The award-winning Blood Harvest, out of Northern Ireland, premieres on Digital 11/21 from Wild Eye Releasing.
Robert Render, Alan M. Crawford, Jean Paul Van Der Velde, Griffin Madill, Rachael Stewart and Matt McCreary star in a George Clarke film.
A rural village is terrorized by an evil force that drains the blood from its victims. A discredited police detective, who believes the killings are the work of vampires, must team up with his former partner to uncover the truth.
First look trailer: Twin Peaks' Dana Ashbrook stars in RESTRAINT
Ahead of AFM, Devilworks has released the first trailer for horror-thriller Restraint, which the genre specialist is shopping at this year’s market.
Dana Ashbrook, fresh from his return as Bobby Briggs on Showtime’s Twin Peaks, stars in Restraint. From Adam Cushman, comes a psychological thriller about a disturbed young woman who plunges into a darkness after becoming unexpectedly pregnant, becoming a threat to her family and herself. Amelia Yokel and Jake Borowski produced.
The film picked up Best Feature at Rhode Island Film Festival, who hosted the world premiere, and Best Director at Downtown LA Festival.
John Hensley, Geoffrey Rivas, and Caitlyn Folley co-star.
Other films repped by Devilworks at AFM include Jeremy Lutter’s supernatural horror treat The Hollow Child, Georges Padey’s debut Nereus, Incontrol, from the creators of Still/Born, Cut Shoot Kill, which Freestyle has acquired for domestic release, Jordi Mollà starrer The Man Who Was Thursday, Frightfest thriller Population Zero, and Dee Wallace horror hit Red Christmas.
Devilworks will be exhibiting at the AFM in Office #736 from November 1.
Pure Farming 2018’s Machines in Focus
October 25th, 2017 – Wroclaw, PolandIceFlames and Techland Publishing launched a series of short videos highlighting in-game licenses.
A video showcasing machines by Italian holding ARGO Tractors S.p.A. under the Landini brand has been released last week
Yesterday, Techland has launched the next featurette that shows another ARGO brand, McCormick and its use in the game:. This is a start of series of videos that will include such brands as Wielton, Mitsubishi and Gomselmash, amongst others.
Visit the official Pure Farming 2018 Facebook and Twitter pages to stay up to date with all the farming announcements.
Once Upon a Time "Beauty" (HD) Season 7 Episode 4 Promo
Once Upon a Time 7x04 "Beauty" Season 7 Episode 4 Promo - It's All Hallows' Eve, and Alice is on the loose, determined to destroy a timeless romance using one sinister secret. A haunting new Once Upon a Time, next Friday at 8/7c on ABC.
Spot It! Duel - Major Gameplay Improvements And Features In Latest Update of iOS and Android Hit
PARIS - October 25, 2017 – Asmodee Digital, a leader in digital board game entertainment, is today pleased to announce that its ultra-popular symbol matching game, Spot It! Duel – A Dobble game, has received a major gameplay update.
Available to play now on iOS and Android devices, Asmodee Digital today released a new update featuring, amongst other things, a more fluid approach to gameplay, a rework of the Dobble Profile, and new ‘Match Power’ and ‘Stars’ systems.

Each Dobble Profile has been reworked to now include a more simplified description pop-up in favour a short video/GIF highlighting its unique power.
The Match Power system is a special new value affiliated with each Dobble. Match Power is essentially the score achieved when you match a pair of two symbols (the smallest match that can be achieved). Crucially, as you level up your dobble this number evolves, which serves as a great comparison point to ascertain which of your Dabbles is strongest.
Finally, the new Stars System positioned above the Dobble’s pop-up image instantly highlights to players how rare and powerful a Dobble is. These stars will evolve as you level up your dobble and stands as a great way to compare your dobbles, too!
More content and updates are planned, so head to the App Store or Google Play now to download Spot It! Duel – A Dobble game; one of this summer’s most popular games.
On iTunes App Store:
On Google Play:
Leave the cards at home and take the experience anywhere. Spot It” Duel - A Dobble game is the latest addition to Asmodee Digital’s ever-growing line-up of premium tabletop - video game translations.
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Supergirl "The Faithful" (HD) Season 3 Episode 4 Extended Promo
Supergirl 3x04 "The Faithful" Season 3 Episode 4 Extended Promo - Kara (Melissa Benoist) investigates a secretive new group whose leader, Thomas Coville (guest star Chad Lowe), has a mysterious connection to Supergirl. Meanwhile, Samantha (Odette Annable) feels like she’s letting Ruby (guest star Emma Tremblay) down, and J’onn (David Harewood) confesses an old secret. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Paula Yoo & Katie Rose Rogers (#304). Original airdate 10/30/2017.
Marvel's Inhumans 1x06 Promo "The Gentleman's Name Is Gorgon" (HD)
Marvel's Inhumans 1x06 "The Gentleman's Name Is Gorgon" Season 1 Episode 6 Promo - Gorgon and Karnak take on Auran and her Inhuman army with disastrous results, on an all-new episode of “Marvel’s Inhumans,” airing Friday, October 27th on ABC.
— TV & Sci-Fi News 💙 (@SciFiHunters) October 21, 2017
Interview with Mathieu Turi - Director of Hostile
Ahead of the UK premiere of his debut feature HOSTILE at the Horror Channel Frightfest Halloween event, director Mathieu Turi shares his admiration for Tarantino, describes the challenges of filming in three continents and reveals his ‘magic hour’.
Q: You were born in Cannes so you grew up with film all around? When did you know for sure you wanted to direct?
I think it's always been there. As a child, I used to steal my dad's VHS camera to make mini-movies. They were basically all about my Jurassic Park toys eating my dog or invading the garden. Later, I did more elaborate short films with friends, instead of studying. Then, I remember watching BRAVEHEART and the making of the movie. For the first time, I knew that directing was something I wanted to do for a living.
Q: You have been second unit director and assistant director on numerous major blockbusters – SHERLOCK HOLMES 2, INGLORIOUS BASTARDS, G.I. JOE – what was the movie or director you feel you learnt most from?
Tarantino, with no hesitation. ‘INGLORIOUS BASTARDS was one of my first jobs in the movie business, and I was assistant of the assistant of the assistant. But when you work on the set of someone you admire, It's very special. I learnt that you have to love what you do, and as a director, you have to stay focused on the actors and the scene. Nothing else matters. Working for Quentin Tarantino was my best set experience as an A.D.
Q: What inspired the HOSTILE script?
A lot of stuff. HOSTILE is a kind of mix between my two shorts (SONS OF CHAOS and BROKEN). The first is a post-apocalyptic, very low-budget movie, and the second is a romance in an elevator. And If you talk about exterior inspirations, I would say the main one is I AM LEGEND, the Richard Matheson book. It's my favourite book ever, a masterpiece. I read it twice a year, and it's never the same feeling. Also, I'm a huge fan of the video game THE LAST OF US. It has everything : a perfect story, focused on characters but in an original post-apocalyptic context, with never seen creatures, and the end is magic. I’s love to see a movie adaptation of it, but It would be tricky.
Q: HOSTILE was executive produced by Xavier Gens and stars Brittany Ashworth from his new movie THE CRUCIFIXION. Can you talk about his influences and that of recent extreme French genre titles?
Xavier is a good friend of mine, and also my mentor since the beginning. He's the one who presented me to FullTime Films producers (Thomas Lubeau, Eric Gendarme and Olivier Chateau) as they were looking for projects. We all met at the Cannes film fest in 2015, and two years later, here we are! He also helped us to find Brittany Ashworth, as he had worked with her on THE CRUCIFIXION. HOSTILE is not influenced by any of them, but I'm very happy that all those movies got made. You know, in France, It's not easy to do that kind of extreme genre movie.
Q: HOSTILE builds to a wonderful emotional epiphany. Was the story all about leading to that rare moment in zombie movies?
It's the first scene that came to my mind before writing the script, and without spoiling it, it was also the best moment on set. It was just magical - the natural light at that exact time (D.O.P's calls it the "magic hour").The team was speechless, and in my mind, I knew It worked. Often, as a director, you have to wait to be in the editing room to be hundred percent sure a scene works, but for that one, I knew on set.
Q: None of this would work unless you cared about the characters, especially Juliette. Did her back-story change through successive drafts of the screenplay?
Not complete scenes, but dialogue and actions changed a lot. I'm a very collaborative director with my actors, and I want them to dig into the characters, try stuff, fail sometimes, but always try to go further. And they did, every time.
Juliette's backstory has been completed by Brittany. I gave her some intentions, but asked her to find a personal story, why she came to New-York and what happened in the first years of her post-apocalyptic life. We talked a lot about it, very detailed stuff that only her and I know. Actually, we could easily do a prequel about it!
Q: We love Grégory Fitoussi in the UK because of the French law and order drama SPIRAL. Was that a reason for casting him as Jack?
I really wanted someone with a true charisma. Grégory is one of those guys. He could just walk in the room and you feel it. It's a very rare power. And also, we worked a lot together on the character, to keep his French touch intact, but not fall in the cliché. Jack needed to be very confident, strong and mysterious. He's the entire reason for the flash-backs, so we had to keep in mind that Juliette felt secure with him, and that's what she doesn't have any more in the present.
Q: And we also love Javier Botet who seems to be in so many movies at the moment. What did he add to his Living Dead role that no one else could have?
Two things: the first is obvious, and that's why he's in all those movies. (REC, MAMA, ALIEN:COVENANT, IT). He has an incredible body, and he uses it like magic. When you see him working, it’s just insane. The movements he performs, the way his thin body moves. He's a piece of art. The second thing: he's a very good actor, and that's vital for that kind of role. You can't imagine how hard it is to express yourself under the makeup. And Javier does it perfectly.
Q: Your feature debut; what was the biggest learning curve you hadn’t expected?
That you have to sleep an entire month to get back on your feet! More seriously, I would say It was very hard to go from one team to another, as our shoot was only 24 days, in three different continents. So we had the New-York Unit, the Morocco Unit and the Paris Unit, with different crews, productions offices, preps, etc... But on the other hand it has been an incredible adventure, and I had the chance to work with all those amazing people.
Q: Will you always stay in horror or is it a stepping stone to other genres? Can you tell us what you’re working on at the moment?
HOSTILE is kind of a two genre movie, I just love to cross lines. But I love horror, sci-fi, thrillers... And I'm working on a very crazy project right now. It should be official soon, but I just can say that it's a sci-fi-fi/horror movie with a unique concept. We are in the casting phase right now, with the same producers at FullTime Films, and we will shoot it next spring. I can't wait to talk about it, and I hope we will see each other again at FrightFest next year to show it!
HOSTILE receives its UK premiere at Horror Channel FrightFest Halloween 2017 on Saturday 28 Oct, Empire Haymarket, 12.05pm.
Tickets: http://frightfest.nutickets.com
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