Thursday, 2 January 2014

WWE Future Endeavors 2013

** This song is "Halfway Gone" by Lifehouse. The acoustic version.**

The term "Future Endeavors" means any future pursuits that you may be involved with. The phrase "Best of luck on your future endeavors" means that someone is wishing good luck in whatever you do next.

This video is made for the people in the WWE that were released from their contracts in 2013 (be it they got fired, they quit, or they let their contract expire). No referees, agents, office personnel, or wrestlers in NXT exclusively are in this video.

There may be people missing in this video and for that, I apologize for it not being a complete list. The WWE did a really good job at not announcing everyone that was released like they usually do, so it was hard to keep track when most of it is speculation on the internet.

Trent Barreta
Eve Torres
Derrick Bateman
Percy Watson
Matt Striker
Ted DiBiase Jr
Jim Ross
Tony Dawson

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