Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Interview with Jonah Beres

Young actor Jonah Beres talks up his role as Brody in Strange Nature, now showing at Laemmle Glendale.

Now is STRANGE NATURE based on a true story? 

Yes.  It’s based on the mutated frogs in the lakes in Minnesota because of the pollution.  And they made it scary by using crazy make-up and special effects.

Would you call it a straight-up horror film? How would you describe it? 

I’d say it’s more of an eco-thriller because unlike a horror movie it’s not like some mythical thing.  It could really happen.

Did they create the mutant frogs for real or were they special effects?  

They were real.  They were gross.  They were real icky. I got to hold one in a scene.

How cool was it working with John Hennigan?  

He was really strong lookin’.  I think I was in one scene with him.  We stayed at the same hotel and we saw Ninja Turtles at the theatre together.

And did director Jim Ojala treat you well?  

Yes.  Jim treated me very well.  I have a pretty close relationship with him.  He’s a pretty good guy.

Where else can we see you at the moment? 

 I have a show called PEN15 coming on HULU near you.  I have a movie on NETFLIX called Stephanie, but dead Jonah gets more screen time than real Jonah.  I’m on an ABC TV show called Splitting Up Together catch me on season 1 and season 2.

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