Tuesday 16 April 2019

John Bishop's Ireland

Fri 26 Apr 2019
8.00pm - 8.30pm

Series overview
Ireland will always mean a huge amount to the comedian John Bishop.  It was whilst gigging the small clubs and bars there that he decided to quit his job in pharmaceuticals and give stand-up comedy a proper go - a decision that changed his life beyond recognition.
In this brand new series, John will embark on a once-in-a-lifetime, 600 mile road trip around the Emerald Isle, taking a deep dive into Irish culture. 
It’s a rollicking and hilarious voyage that will not only follow John discovering iconic sights and quirky customs, but will also see him perform his comedy along the way, from a small and cramped gig in a Limerick pub, through to the biggest stage in all of Ireland.
Episode 1
In episode one, John goes to watch the All Ireland Gaelic football final. Like an Irish Super Bowl, it’s a match that sees over half the country crowd around the TV in pubs and living rooms for the culmination of a competition involving all of the 32 counties in the north and south. Since winning in 1951, Mayo has lost the final seven times which many put down to a curse – Is this the year they will finally lift the curse?
Next, John travels on to Cork, where he goes to the local university for a lecturer on Folk law and fairies and meets a fisherman, who like him, has met the Queen.

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