Tuesday 7 May 2019

Interview with Katerina Eichenberger

Katerina Eichenberger was at college when she discovered an audition in a popular entertainment magazine for a film titled ‘Just Say Goodbye’. Four years later, the talented and beautiful actress is the star of a major new motion picture experience that isn’t only the talk of the web but leading the charge for mental health awareness month.

How did you get involved in this one, Katerina? 
I was in my senior year at NYU and had technically graduated early that previous December 2015 and was TAing for one of my teachers, Ellen Parks, while I waited to walk at my graduation in May. I wanted to begin working on more projects for experience and found the audition opportunity for Just Say Goodbye on Backstage, a site for artists to cast films, audition, etc, and applied and ended up getting cast!

How closely could you relate to the topics in the film?
I have been lucky to not have lost anyone personally to suicide; however, I have known of people who have. Of course, seeing how suicide has taken major public figures including Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain, and Kate Spade, is a constant reminder of how common this is. Living is hard! Especially in an age where image can guide our popularity and “success”. We are constantly comparing ourselves, our worth to other people. It is constantly surrounding all of us and as artists, it is our job to remember and remind others that we are enough, that human beings are not perfect, that we struggle, that death is always around us but we must do everything we can to continue because by continuing we can experience the moments of beauty that do exist every day, no matter how small.

Sit down to watch any similar movies before shooting began on this? 
Honestly, I did not. I read more than I watched because I did not want to fall into the whole of comparing my work to someone else’s. It’s a personal thing that simply works best for me. 

I imagine the movie educates us as well as it does entertain? 
Absolutely! It reminds us that it’s better to have someone mad at you than losing them forever.

It’s essentially a two-hander between you and Max. do you feel more pressure knowing a lot of it resting on your shoulders?
I feel pressure whether it’s a part with 2 lines or a principle role. I never want to let anyone down. I definitely felt pressure during this film because it’s an important story to tell and I wanted to give it all the gusto, honesty, pain and love that it deserved.

Do you find it easy to watch your work back? 
Not at all! It’s very intimidating and uncomfortable, but it helps me become a better actor and I must do it as much as it pains me.

Would you compare the storyline to anything we’ve seen in earlier films? 
I’m not sure I understand the question!

Insert the blank. If you loved….. you’ll love my movie. 
Perks of Being a Wallflower

Where does this one rank in terms of your favorite projects? And do you have a top favorite? 
Definitely a favorite of mine as it is one of the first feature films I did as a principle actor. It will always mean so much to me. We did a lot considering our budget and situation.

What’s next for you?
I am currently working on a play called Spirits to Enforce with the theatre company Vernal & Sere. We opened May 2nd!  It’s a brilliantly meta whacky show that has challenged me in a variety of ways. If you’re reading and live in Atlanta, GA, come see it!

JUST SAY GOODBYE opens Friday in L.A theaters

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