Saturday 9 March 2013

Scott Hall - "We Can Rebuild Him" Video

Long time fans of Scott Hall, aka "Razor Ramon" have hoped and prayed for his well being for over a decade.  Scott was among the greatest professional wrestlers of all time, and his tragic fall from grace has been widely publicized in the media.

Many wrestling fans have feared he would be the industry's next tragic loss.  But now there's a glimmer of hope.

Scott's longtime friend Diamond Dallas Page, together with the support of Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Kevin Nash, and Sean Waltman, have come together to help Scott get healthy and find a purpose in life with his inspiring story of redemption.

Unfortunately, we didn't know just how broken Scott's body was.  At the young age of 54, Scott has had a pacemaker, and difibrillator implanted for his heart, and he can barely walk due to extreme arthritis in his hip.  Unless he gets a hip replacement, he will be unable to do the necessary exercise in order to get his health back.  Without medical insurance, Scott's inability to pay for the procedures he needs are a major hurdle to his physical recovery.

DDP has welcomed Scott and Jake into his home, not only to help them maintain sobriety, but to rebuild their lives from the ground up... physically, mentally, professionally, and spiritually.

40+ Days Clean and Sober

Today, Scott has been clean and sober over 40 days - longer than he can ever remember outside of a medically supervised environment.  He believes something is very different this time, after 11 trips to rehab.
What We Need & What You Get

We're doing everything we can to rebuild Scott, but we're hoping Scott's longtime fans will rally around him, and show him how much love there still is for him.

Our goal is to raise $80,000 to cover his hip replacement surgery, physical therapy,  dental work, and his continuing medical expenses.

We believe that with some persistance and encouragement, Scott can rebuild his body and become healthy and happy again.  In return for your donations, you'll get some of the amazing perks listed to the right.  Best of all, you'll be able to be a part of this inspiring story.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can't donate, we understand, but please share this link with your friends, be it by e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, etc.

Thank you so much and God Bless.

How the Funds Will Be Managed

Diamond Dallas Page and his team will ensure all funds raised through this campaign are used solely for the benefit of Scott Hall's process of recovery and physical rehabilitation.

Donate at

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